Question – you’ve got a few potential questions and it’s great that you’ve clearly thought about this at length. The one you’re thinking of going with is: To what extent does Making a Murderer illustrate institutional bias in TV documentary – particularly regarding disability and justice. I would be tempted to change or clarify the last bit of this question. Perhaps: …particularly with regards to mental health and the criminal justice system. Either way, this is going to be clear and specific which is the most important aspect.

Introduction – lay out argument, intro primary text and any secondary/historical texts you will be discussing. Present your angle/hypothesis. I really like investigations that start with a quote above the actual essay question but the one you’ve got currently is a bit long. Can you find a snappier quote that seems to sum up your essay/argument/debate? 300 words.

Intro feedback: the introduction shows real knowledge and authority… but it feels more like a law essay than media. Perhaps start with something about documentary and renaissance of the genre in recent years? You also need to discuss (and define) the concept of institutional bias in the media. You could then move on to the idea that the media can now influence criminal justice and also offer a more enlightened or modern representation of mental illness. Overall, more clarity in terms of it being a media debate is crucial.

Section 1 – Primary text: MAM. Textual analysis is the key in this section. Media key concepts, film language etc. Very detailed deconstruction please! Associated theories and research. Choose one or two key scenes (2 minutes max each) and analyse the hell out of them. Make sure you stay focused on the key issues: institutional bias and mental health. 600 words.

Section 2 – Historical text. Real-life miscarriages of justice AND The Thin Blue Line. Combine research into real cases (plus their media coverage) with textual analysis and discussion of Thin Blue Line. Great choice of historical text and I’m sure there are plenty of links there. 500 words.

Section 3 – Genre – documentary. What impact can documentaries have on society and audiences? Mix of academic research and audience effects theory. Issues and debates – wider context. 400 words.

Section 4 – Institutional bias, regulation and institution. Should the media be more regulated over criminal justice cases? Has new technology exacerbated this problem (ie Netflix). Get some media theory in here. Perhaps bring in a bit of NDM here too. 400 words.

Section 5 – Future of documentary – how MAM might influence criminal justice system and future cases. 250 words.

Conclusion – sum up your argument, snappy ending please! 150 words.

Next steps… update/finish your plan based on this tutorial. You don’t need to stick to the above by any means but hopefully it has at least clarified your thinking and provided a potential structure that will be easy to follow.

This essay has great potential – just make sure it’s a media essay not law! You may need to do some additional research in terms of regulation, bias, effects theory etc.

Publish this tutorial to your blog with your next steps as usual.


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